Google again introduced new program for ethical hackers and for security researchers,but this time google focuses on android operating system instead of goggle chrome.
Google will pay upto $40,000 to bug hunters.This new scheme is named as “android security rewards”.adrain Ludwig who leading android security added
We see mobile becoming possibly the most important way for people to connect to the internet. Also, we are seeing it providing two-factor verification and the cause of hope in the way that users interact.
we are movtiavting the security researchers to use their energy on android os and help us making android os secure with a better user interaction.
Google is hoping that this new program will be much as successful .google paid 1.5 million in 2014 to security researchers for hunting the bug in google chrome browswer.
How to claim bug?
Security researchers who will has found bug,will have to show them on the two device of google i.e nexus 6 and nexus 9,so that google can verify wheather the bug is the android os or its manufacturer will pay $500 for minor bug where you will to identify it and present it to google.while google will pay $38,000 for major bugs where security researcher will have to work hard in identifying it and fixing it.
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